Management Development Cell
About the Cell
Shri. Wallamboklang Rynjah is functioning as the Assistant Director of Management Development Cell in Meghalaya Administrative Training Institute, Shillong. In his role, Shri. W. Rynjah acts as Faculty Head of Management Development Cell. The cell entails management concepts, practices, approaches and perspectives for immersive learning, gaining problem solving skills and enhancing analytical thinking ability.
Shri. W. Rynjah is the Course Coordinator for various trainings of the Management Development Cell and is primarily responsible for efficient conduct of training programmes (right from initiation of proposal to the actual conduct of various programmes).
Good governance is not optional:
Training Programmes under Management Development Cell All matters relating to training on management concepts and perspectives for the State Government officials will fall under the purview of the cell and will include:
Office Procedures:
Training Programmes on Office Procedures are conducted in various Districts, Sub-Divisions of the State of Meghalaya and in-house at MATI, Shillong. The trainings are conducted as per the Meghalaya Secretariat Manual of Office Procedures, 1993, which is the backbone of office management in the State. The training is aimed at increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the officials of the State of Meghalaya across the State.
Conduct, Disciplinary and Appeal Rules:
The primary objective of conducting the Training Programme on Conduct, Disciplinary and Appeal Rules in various Districts and Sub-Divisions of the State of Meghalaya is to sensitise the Government officials about the various restrictions….
Public Finance: Concepts and Rules
Meghalaya Pension Rules.
Group ‘A’ (Junior) and Group ‘B’ (Senior) Training of Secretariat Assistants:
These intensive trainings which are imparted to in-service dealing assistants of the Meghalaya Civil Secretariat are conducted once a year separately for Group ‘A’ and Group ‘B’ for a duration of 30 working days each. These trainings are followed by Written Examinations and are linked to promotions and confirmations of the concerned assistants.
Public Procurement:
Public procurement is only an extension of the personal procurement by two key words i.e. transparency and fairness. When we take up any construction work for ourselves or make personal purchases or hire of any services, we always try to ensure that we get the value for money, good quality product and timely delivery. In case of public procurement we have to go a little further i.e. in addition ensure that procurement is done in a transparent fair and equitable manner.
Adhering to the canons of public procurement is in fact a tight rope walk involving a balance between transparent and fair action on one side and achieving timely delivery of quality goods at competitive rates on the other side. It is indeed going to be more demanding to perform the task with the implementation of the Right to Information Act 2005. Now all our actions and decisions are open for scrutiny by public at large.
The objective of the training on Public Procurement is to update the participants’ knowledge and skills in procurement under the provisions of different Acts & Rules which are in place. This training will help the participants to understand the basic principles of financial management, understand and follow the provisions contained in the various applicable rules. It will also enable the participants to prepare tender documents.
Service Management:
Delivering services to citizens is at the heart of what the government does. Tasks like paying taxes, renewing driving licenses, and applying for benefits are often the most tangible interactions citizens have with the government. Services are therefore critical in shaping trust and perceptions of the Government sector.
A “citizen journey” is the entire experience that a person has when seeking a government service. The journey has a discrete beginning and end, and because it is typically multi-touch and multi-channel, it is also cross-functional in nature. A citizen journey is anchored in how people think about their experience as a result of delivery of services to the Citizens by the Government.
Citizens today expect more transparent, accessible, and responsive services from the Government. This training programme is designed to help the frontline employees of various departments deliver citizen related services more effectively and efficiently. Some of the benefits are:
- Timely delivery of service
- Improvement of Performance of the Frontline employees
- Quality delivery of Services
- Step towards Citizen centric services.
Contract Management:
Contract is also called a business relationship. Understandably, suppliers and the government get into a large number of contractual relationships for providing goods and services. A company gets into a contractual relationship with the state to get a project, licence or business. Suppliers and government get into contractual relationships for raw material and component suppliers and service providers.
Very often, contract failures lead to inefficient performance, financial losses, and disruption of work; arbitration and litigation; loss of reputation; and many other losses. Thus, it has become important for government officials to understand the rights, responsibilities, and obligations arising from contracts.
The objective of the programme is to understand the significance of the existing terms of contracts.
Training on World Trade Organisation issues in collaboration with Centre for WTO Studies, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi. These training programmes are designed in close coordination with Centre for World Trade Organization, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, Delhi to deepen engagement and cooperation of the State in the area of WTO and international trade issues.
Basic Managerial Skills:
Basic Managerial Skills aims to provide the Government Officials with the Managerial skills and behavior to be an effective Government Servant. Managing the process and workload is sometimes just not enough nowadays. Instead the Modern Government Servant needs to be able to motivate the teams, be able to manage change, deal with difficult people, manage performance, they need to be able to coach and develop their team- The list goes on! This training programme is designed to meet this need.
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