Meghalaya Administrative Training Institute
Government Of Meghalaya

Speaker 1

Our Institute

The Government of Meghalaya prioritizes training and capacity building of government officials to improve performance and meet public service delivery expectations. The Meghalaya Administrative Training Institute (MATI) plays a central role in developing professional understanding, enhancing skills, and promoting value-based management. To address evolving needs and technologies, MATI is focused on empowering the workforce through coordinated and sustainable approaches.

The main aim of our Institute is to develop right ability and capability in our participants with a commitment to build, sustain and improve upon the milieu, which promotes learning and innovation.

Our History

Established in 1990, the Meghalaya Administrative Training Institute (MATI) was created to provide in-service training to State Government officials. Its primary objective was to address the backlog of promotions by conducting intensive training for dealing assistants of the Meghalaya Civil Secretariat. This training was crucial for their promotion and confirmation. Prior to MATI's establishment, the shift of the Assam Administrative Staff College to Guwahati left a void in training facilities in Meghalaya. In 1978, the Meghalaya Secretariat Training School was established to train Lower Division Assistants in office procedures. However, the lack of focused inputs and formal training programs led to a decline in knowledge of basic rules, regulations, and office procedures among government officials. Overcoming these challenges, MATI started organizing and conducting various training programs from 1990 onwards under the leadership of distinguished officers. Since 2012, Smti. R. V. Suchiang, IAS has served as the Director General, and currently, Shri Ram Kumar S, IAS is the Director as of November 2020.

Programs & Activities

MATI designs, conducts, and organizes diverse training programs, workshops, seminars, conferences, and panel discussions based on stakeholder training needs. Initially focused on basic training in Office Procedures, Financial Matters, and career advancement for state government officials, MATI has expanded its offerings to include subjects such as Decentralized Planning, Gender Budgeting, Health and Hospital Management, Disaster Management, RTI, Human Rights, Citizen's Charter, Legal Provisions, Domestic Violence, etc. It also covers areas like Ethics in Good Governance, e-Governance, Leadership Skills, Personality Development, Induction Training, In-service Training, and Capacity Building for Poverty Reduction to foster the right attitude towards government service users.

MATI has also decentralized its training programs to block and village cluster levels, extending its reach to government functionaries, NGOs, youth groups, traditional heads, and women groups, reflecting its motto of "Training for All."

Speaker 1