Our Vision

"To develop the Institute into a Centre of Excellence for Capacity Building and Training"

The Government of Meghalaya places utmost importance on training and capacity building for government officials at all levels, considering the diverse functions of the government and the increasing demand for improved performance. The Meghalaya Administrative Training Institute (MATI) serves as a pivotal entity in empowering public servants to understand professional requirements and embrace value-based management. Through MATI, officials enhance their skills, knowledge, and attitude to optimize their performance in the workplace.

To address the challenges arising from evolving needs and technologies, a coordinated and sustainable approach is essential to empower the workforce. MATI takes proactive measures to innovate and integrate programs that align with day-to-day functions and utilize technology for efficient work processes.

The primary objective of MATI is to foster the right abilities and capabilities among participants, creating an environment that encourages learning and innovation. By engaging all stakeholders, the Institute aims to transform into a Center of Excellence. Valuable suggestions are eagerly awaited to drive the Institute forward on its journey of progress.

Our Mission Statement

"To create an Institutional framework to impart training for enhancement of performance of public servants through up gradation of their knowledge and skills and transforming their attitude to have strong commitment, public responsiveness and accountability towards citizens."

Organisational Chart